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The Triumph Of Righteousness


Be exalted, O Righteous One!

The shadow of your wings is our refuge.

You still the roar of the sea,

Shatter the fangs of the wicked,

And quieten the pride of men.

When You send forth the battle cry,

Your enemies melt before You like wax.

But You watch over those who obey You,

Those who trust in your steadfast love.


Woe to those who stand

Against the counsel of the Holy One!

On them shall rain flaming coals and brimstone.

You will uproot them from the land of the living,

For they have not set You before their eyes;

They give no ear to your holy Word, O Lord.

Deceit and malice do not depart from their lips,

They curse and slander,

Devise evil by law,

Exalt themselves against your sheep,

And condemn your truth with evil.

But your righteousness shall triumph.


They take counsel from the darkness

And revile your truth;

Wickedness has encrusted their hearts –

Their glory is in their shame.

They stretch out their hands against

Those who hunger and thirst for your truth;

War is in their hearts.

But your truth shall prevail, O Lord,

Your righteousness will triumph.

You will give victory to your chosen ones,

Those who do not walk in the counsel of the wicked,

Who do not hinder your truth.


Our mouths shall be filled with laughter,

And our tongues infused with praise.

But those who call evil good

Are in for a rude surprise;

Destruction and ruin are lurking at their bones,

For they have raised their hands

Against the Bride of the King.

They think they are wise,

But truly they are foolish, blind and dead.


Judgement is in their midst,

For they have sought to please man rather than God;

They shake their fists in the face of the Holy One,

They sharpen their sword against the weak,

They ready their bow to murder innocent people.

Oh, that they could see and perceive

That their arrow is as crooked as their neck,

And their sword as feeble as a straw!

They are unreliable and useless.


Oh, that they were wise and would understand

That yours alone is victory!

Your anger shall smoke against them,

You will destroy them in their wickedness;

In triumph You will establish righteousness.

They shall not enter your rest, O Holy One.

To the praise of your glory, O Great King,

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess

That You alone are Lord.

Be exalted, O Righteous and Holy One!

© 2025 The Word of Life
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