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In vain is salvation hoped for from works;
In the Lord our God alone is salvation found.
The righteousnesses of man are filthy rags
In your sight, O Lord.
You are the Fountain of the living hope!
May thy blessed name be hallowed and praised.
O Fountain of living waters,
The Hope of the weary!
You have broken our yoke
And burst our bonds.
You act for him who waits for You and meet him
Who rejoices and pursues righteousness.
You live in truth, in judgement and in righteousness.
Do not let me stray away from your ways
And harden my heart from your fear,
O Keeper of my soul!
Keep me from seeking that in which
You do not delight.
Yours and yours alone shall sing for joy of heart,
But your foes shall cry for sorrow of heart,
They will wail and weep without hope;
For curse shall be their portion forever and ever.
But the voice of weeping shall no longer
Be heard among your people;
For You, O Lord, will comfort them
And dry their tears,
You will be the joy of our hearts,
O Fountain of the living hope!
You shall reveal your hand to your elect;
In the abundance of your grace they delight.
But to your enemies your indignation
Shall be brought forth.
You will ride on the wings of the wind
To render your judgements with fury
And your anger with flames of fire;
Your tongue shall go before You,
Like a sword it will bring down the strength of the wise.
They conceive evil in their hearts
And bring forth iniquity,
Their souls delight in their abominations,
They have provoked You to anger,
They have caused your wrath to smoke.
You have numbered your enemies for the sword;
They shall all bow down to the slaughter.
Judgements will come upon all flesh,
Those who seek the glory of men;
In dreadful straits they shall lay.
Their own wickedness shall correct them,
For evil thoughts lodge within them.
They are wise to do evil,
But to do good they have no knowledge.
Blessed are they who seek God’s Kingdom and his righteousness!
To them hope, life and peace are given.
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