O Lord, You are clothed with majesty and might!
Your splendor and wisdom are unsearchable.
You are sovereign and holy for ever!
Who can withstand your supreme power and greatness?
You alone sustain the whole creation.
The hearts of kings lie in your mighty hand, O Lord.
The deeds of your hands reveal your glory.
Yours is dominion for ever and ever.
O Sovereign Lord, can one darken the counsel of your will?
Who can frustrate your plans, O Mighty One?
Who can question your deeds, O Holy One?
Righteous One, can men contend with You?
Can they number your days, O Lord?
You are the Ancient of Days,
The God of all eternity,
Abounding in steadfast love,
Faithful to your promises,
Immutable and merciful.
In praise of your glory,
Some are the object of your mercy
And others the object of your wrath.
You raise up kings and use them for your own glory:
You appoint good kings to lead those who honour You,
And evil ones to bring judgement upon the ungodly.
O Lord, who can hide his deeds from You?
Who can flee from your face, O God-Who-Sees?
Your presence fills the heavens and the earth.
You watch the deeds of men, O King of kings.
You see through their hearts and read their minds.
Yours alone is wisdom, O Lord!
You destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And frustrate the knowledge of the scholars.
Who can know You by means of his own wisdom?
The wisdom of men is foolishness to You;
It is destructive and useless.
Lord, your eyes are too pure to look at evil.
Can man approach your Great White Throne
Dressed in his own garment?
O Holy and Righteous One!
The works of men are filthy rags in your sight.
Unless they are adorned with your pure garment,
They shall be cast into the fiery furnace.
Who is like You, O Lord?
You live in a high and holy place,
But You care for the lowly.
You so loved them,
That You sent your Son Jesus Christ to be their ransom.
He is the Key that opens all the hidden treasures of your wisdom and power.
Christ is your power to save
And the revelation of your supreme glory.
He is our victory over the world and over Satan;
He is our victory over sin and death.
Christ is our righteousness, peace, hope and life.
His dominion is from everlasting to everlasting!
To the joy of our souls, O Living God,
You have crowned us with everlasting life,
And fed our hearts with peace in abundance.
To the praise of your glory, O Lord,
May your blessed name be exalted!