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Your Word, O Lord, is sharper than any double-edged sword;

It is mighty, holy and truth.

It pierces through a heart of stone

And transforms it into a heart of flesh.

Your Word, O Lord, exposes the corruption of man

And destroys the so-called wisdom of the world.


O Lord, wisdom and dominion are Yours forever!

O Father of all grace, You are holy and righteous.

To You, O Lord, be praise and honor forever!


Lord, cast Your light into my heart and mind,

And dispel the darkness that imprisons my soul.

Let your Word dwell in me richly, my Lord,

That my lips shall proclaim Your glory and sing Your praise,

And my heart submit to You in humble obedience.

Increase my hunger and thirst for Your Word, O Lord,

That my heart forever shall seek Thee and honor Thee.

Search me, O Lord of my salvation, 

And let no evil abide in me,

That the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You.


Cast your light over my sins, O Righteous and Holy One,

And may my heart with contrition and brokenness be fed. 

Fill my heart, O Father, with hatred for my sins

And root out all idols and causes of sin,

That I may bear much fruit to You

And proclaim with joy Your excellencies.


Lord, You alone are God,

Eternally mighty and sovereign.

Your Word, O Lord, is light and life.

Your Word, O Lord, is eternal and holy.

It is the light that shines forever.

No darkness can put it out;

No lies can triumph over it.

O Lord my God, let your Word dwell in me!

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