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Born into the world, the Ancient of Days;

God eternal in human flesh,

Sinners like me He came to save.

My guilt He took, and curse He bore.

The Holy and Righteous One, 

In my filth was clothed.


Upon His sinless body,

God’s righteous wrath was unleashed.

The Beloved Son of God in sinners’ stead –

Broken and forsaken by the Father who loves,

Despised and rejected by those He came to save.


From the throne to the cross,

Down came the Glorious One,

Full of grace and truth,

Condescending to our frailty.

The Maker of heaven and earth,

By sinners’ hands was flogged and wounded;

Obedient and full of love, 

He offered Himself to death.

For it was the Father's will to crush Him,

To bring to His chosen ones peace, healing and life


The eternal Son of God 

On Calvary’s cross was hung.

Upon the tree His innocent body sank,

Crushed beneath the wrath reserved for me.

Not for His sin but mine He died,

The Righteous One for the unrighteous.


My sins expiated,

The wrath of God satisfied,

Death, Sin and Satan defeated –

For Death drank my Savior’s innocent blood –

Once filthy and naked,

Now and forever I am cleansed and clothed.

For with His unstained blood,

My Savior has purified me,

And with His righteousness clothed me.

Death has lost its grip on me!


O Redeemer of my soul,
Who is like You? 
You are the Holy and True God!

You have sealed into Your love

Those You died to save.

You were cut off out of the land of the living,

Stricken for our transgressions; 

Yet on the third day You rose in victory,

Alive forevermore! 


O Living One, majestic in beauty,

There is no life apart from You!

You are Life and the Light of men.

Plunged in darkness my soul once laid, 

Hopeless and depraved,

Languishing in the grip of Death.

Then came the Rescuer and Keeper of my soul.

You stretched out Your arm, O Lord of my salvation,

And from the ash heap You brought me to life.


Blessed be Your holy name, 

My Lord and my God!

For You have looked upon me with kindness.

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