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O Lord, who can fathom your greatness?
You rule supreme over all things.
You are enthroned on high,
Far above and beyond the universe that You've created.
You breathed all things into existence;
By the Word of your power You sustain them all.
In You, O Lord, all things hold together.
You give life and breath and everything to everyone.
Lord, You made us upright.
But we sought out evil schemes,
And brought upon ourselves ruin and condemnation.
All we deserve is wrath and destruction;
For we all have sinned and fall short of your glory.
But instead of wrath You have given us mercy.
Instead of death You have given us life,
At the cost of your own life.
Who is like You, O Lord?
You are gentle and lowly in heart!
You condescend to our frailty
Despite our unworthiness.
You delivered Yourself up for our sins,
And was raised for our justification.
You died for us while we were yet sinners,
Paying the full penalty for our iniquities.
You who knew no sin were made to be sin for us,
That we might become the righteousness of God.
By your precious and holy blood,
You have purchased our redemption
And justified us by your grace,
That we may become heirs of your eternal Kingdom.
You have poured out your glorious Spirit on us
And caused us to be born again to a living hope.
Through your resurrection from the dead, O Lord,
We have been brought forth by the Spirit of grace,
To an eternal inheritance.
Not because of works done by us in righteousness,
But according to your great mercies.
By your atoning blood we have been cleansed;
By the baptism of regeneration
And our sanctification by the Word of Life,
We have been made alive.
Who can comprehend the breadth, the length,
The height, and the depth of your love, O Lord?
For your love surpasses all knowledge!
Even though we are undeserving and worthless,
You do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think.
O Lord my God, You are the Lord of all greatness!
The scepter of your Kingdom is a scepter of uprightness.
You rule in justice and righteousness.
There is no darkness in You, O God!
Your wisdom is unsearchable,
Your mercies are new every morning,
Your presence never fails,
Your faithfulness endures forever!
To You, O Gracious One, our Great God and Savior,
Be glory, honour, praise and thanks now and forever!
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