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What would I be without You, O Lord?

Lost in the deep dark pit where death prevails,

I was trapped in the deadly quicksand,

Covered with filth and dead in my trespasses,

Prisoner of sin and death,

Separated from your blessed and glorious presence.

But You came and dispelled the darkness round me;

You picked me up and cleansed me.

Even though I deserve nothing good but death,

You restored my life and set me free.


Lord, You are the Hope of glory!

You change a stubborn heart into a pure one.

You Alone, O Lord, are Life!

You Alone, O Lord, are Hope!

You are the Hope of glory,

The Keeper of my soul.

You lived the life I couldn’t live,

And bore the curses I should have borne.

You took away my iniquities,

And imputed to me your own righteousness.


What an endless joy You bring, O Lord!

You have put an end to my blindness,

By casting your light deep into my heart.

You took away my fear and worry,

And turned my darkness into light.

You constantly lavish upon me grace, love and mercy,

And patiently lead me on the ‘Road of Holiness’.

You fill my heart with peace, love and confidence.

Gracious Lord, to You be honour and glory.


Everything You made and all You do, O God,

Reveal your supreme greatness, uniqueness and goodness.

You alone are God, eternally mighty and righteous.

Lord, You are sovereign and holy.

I hold my breath in awe of Thee.

My heart within me rejoices and sings your praise,

As I marvel at your glory and unfailing love.

My heart bursts within me thanks to Thee, O God,

For my gladness comes from You, the Keeper of my soul.


Lord, I am strengthened each and every day

By your undeserved love and mercy,

Which You have fully revealed to us in your own Son,

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

The Life-giving Water, the Way to glory.

He is my righteousness and confidence,

The Keeper of my soul,

The source of my life, encouragement, peace and joy.

By his blood You have made me clean.


Father, increase in me the fear of Thee and the desire to please You more.

Fill my heart with faithfulness and obedience to You, my Lord.

And increase my hunger and thirst for your word,

That I may know You more and glorify Thee.

Teach me your laws, my God,

That I may be enlightened and humble.

Keep me safe, my God, from wilful and unwilful sins,

That I may faithfully honour and serve Thee.

To You alone, O Lord, to You alone, be all glory, praise and honour for ever and ever.

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